
Brassica oleracea (Cauliflower) Concept F1

Brassica oleracea (Cauliflower) Concept F1

Very safe to grow summer variety.

Concept F1 is a very proven variety from professional cultivation. It grows very healthily, forms heavy heads with beautiful individual roses.

What should be emphasized is the low susceptibility to leaf diseases. Concept F1 is quite robust, so it tolerates light frosts well in autumn.

Die Aussaat erfolgt ab März bis Juni mit Vorkultur, anschliessend Pflanzung im Abstand 50 x 40 cm. The harvest takes place from mid-June to mid-October.

Cauliflower is one of the heavy eaters that needs to be supplied with sufficient nutrients.


Supplied as raw (normal) seed.


Total excl. VAT

Total amount

0,03 - 0,04 / per seed 0,04