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Daucus carota (Carrot) Flyaway F1

Daucus carota (Carrot) Flyaway F1

Flyaway F1 is naturally tolerant to carrot fly maggots.

This variety ripens medium early and produces sugar-sweet carrots 15-18 cm long that contain plenty of carotene.

Sow directly outdoors, sowing depth 0.5 cm. Row spacing: 30-40 cm, in the row 4-5 cm.  Carrots love sunny locations and light, permeable, nutrient-rich soils. Harvest period: from the end of June to September.

Only grow carrots in the same place every 6 years. Grows well with corn, tomatoes, onions, lettuce and potatoes.


Supplied as raw (normal) seed.


Total excl. VAT

Total amount

0,00 - 0,00 / per seed 0,00