Art.nbr. ES00186 Categories: , , ,

Amaranthus tricolor Aurora

Amaranthus tricolor Aurora

Creamy yellow upper leaves.

Strong and colourful landscape item adds height to flower beds in warm areas.

Ideal for extra impact late in the Summer after other Summer bedding plants have peaked.

This spectacular foliage plant excels in heat and humidity, and provides color from very early in the summer, as soon as temperatures get warm, until frost season begins.

It is easy to grow, and this plant is a long lasting annual that grows taller and taller during the summer months tolerating heat and full sunlight. Plant height with fertilization up to 150 cm.

Height: 60-80 cm (24-32″).


Supplied as raw (normal) seed.


Total excl. VAT

Total amount

0,00 - 0,01 / per seed 0,01