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Verbena hybrida Quartz XP Merlot mixture

Verbena hybrida Quartz XP Merlot mixture

The plants have large florets and umbels with a spreading mounded habit.

Quartz XP verbenas are strong garden performers, more uniform and proven Mildew tolerance.

Delivers a tight, 7-day flowering window, earlier and significantly better branching, and reduced internode length.

Strong seed quality, high germination and great young plant vigour assure superior performance in packs and 4-in./10-cm pots.

Slightly spreading, mounded plants make brilliant beds and trail over the edges of mixed containers.

Height: 20-25 cm (8-10″).


Supplied as raw (normal) seed.


Total excl. VAT €10,00

Total amount

0,03 - 0,04 / per seed 0,04