Art.nbr. ES00092
Categories: Annuals, Bedding Plants, Bee Plants, Flower seeds, Other Bedding Plants
Tags: Agérate, bluemink, flossflower, Leberbalsam, Leverbalsam, Sinitähtönen
Ageratum houstonianum Bavaria
Ageratum houstonianum Bavaria
Bicolor, blue with white hearts. Large tetraploid flowers. Strong stems and large flowers.
Used as a bedding and balcony plant, border, edge, rock garden.
Requires a moist, light soil. Cut out dead flowers to encourage reblooming.
Height: 35 cm.
Supplied as raw (normal) seed in grams.
Approximately 4.800 seeds per gram.
- From 1
- grams for
- €5,00 per
- gram
- From 5
- grams for
- €4,00 per
- gram
- From 1
- grams for
- €5,00 per
- gram
- From 5
- grams for
- €4,00 per
- gram
Total amount
€4,00 - €5,00 / per gram €5,00