Art.nbr. ES00242
Categories: Amaranthus, Annuals, Bedding Plants, Cut Flowers, Dried Flowers, Flower seeds, Other Bedding Plants
Tags: amarant, amarantti
Amaranthus cruentus Elephant’s Head (Fat Spike)
Amaranthus cruentus Elephant’s Head (Fat Spike)
So named because the huge flower takes on the appearance of an elephant’s trunk.
The plants produce flowers that are deep reddish purple in color. Unusual amaranth, a striking variety.
An old ornamental selection from 1880.
The heavy seed plumes sag considerably to the shape of an elephant’s head.
The black seeds are still edible as cooking grain.
Height: 100 cm.
Supplied as raw (normal) seed in grams.
Approximately 1.500 seeds per gram.
- From 5
- grams for
- €1,00 per
- gram
- From 20
- grams for
- €0,90 per
- gram
- From 50
- grams for
- €0,80 per
- gram
- From 5
- grams for
- €1,00 per
- gram
- From 20
- grams for
- €0,90 per
- gram
- From 50
- grams for
- €0,80 per
- gram
Total amount
€0,80 - €1,00 / per gram €1,00