Art.nbr. 101350
Categories: Annuals, Brassica (Ornamental Cabbage), Cut Flowers, Flower seeds
Tags: cabbage, chou, KÃ¥l, Kapusta, kohl, Kool
Brassica oleracea F1 First Lady
Brassica oleracea F1 First Lady
Brassica First Lady stands out because of its voluminous, very heavily fringed leaves with a beautiful bright purple/red colour.
The leaves of this ornamental cabbage form a well-filled, dense rosette with dark green outer leaves. B
rassica First Lady can be sown outdoors from early spring until early summer.
Harvesting can begin approx. 14 to 16 weeks after sowing.
The leaf colouration of First Lady is medium to late.
In terms of length and cultivation time, this decorative cabbage fits in nicely with the Empire series.
Supplied as raw (normal) seeds.
- From 1.000
- seeds for
- €0,042 per
- seed
- From 1.000
- seeds for
- €0,042 per
- seed
Total amount
€0,04 / per seed €0,04