Capsicum annuum (Paprika) Tangerine Dream
Capsicum annuum (Paprika) Tangerine Dream
Mass-bearing, compact peppers that also thrive in containers.
High-yielding peppers with upright fruits that turn from green to red-orange, pointed, shaped like jalapenos, about 8 cm long.
Delicate with a hint of spiciness. Tangerine Dream is a mass bearer.
The plants are a feast for the eyes on the terrace or balcony even before they are eaten.
The plants are ideally cultivated in 25-30 cm pots and are fertilized and watered regularly. The plants reach a height of around 50-60 cm. A stick as a support is useful.
Sowing from February to March at 22-24 °C, planting out from mid-May at a distance of 40 x 60 cm. Harvest from July-early October.
Always keep evenly moist, but not too wet. Fertilize regularly and use humus-rich, nutrient-rich soil. Peppers need warmth. Best location: full sun facing south or in a foil greenhouse.
Peppers are sensitive to frost.
Height about 50-60 cm outdoors, higher in the greenhouse.
Supplied as raw (normal) seed.
- From 50
- seeds for
- €0,160 per
- seed
- From 100
- seeds for
- €0,130 per
- seed
- From 500
- seeds for
- €0,088 per
- seed
- From 50
- seeds for
- €0,160 per
- seed
- From 100
- seeds for
- €0,130 per
- seed
- From 500
- seeds for
- €0,088 per
- seed
Total amount
€0,09 - €0,16 / per seed €0,16