Art.nbr. WKCA644
Categories: Cucurbita (Squash & Pumpkins), Other Cucurbita/Cucumis types
Cucurbita andreana
Cucurbita andreana
C. andreana is an ancient species that has been cross-bred many times into today’s pumpkin species and their varieties.
The small, approximately 6 cm large fruits look very decorative thanks to the white stripes on a green background.
Moderate climbing behavior.
Cucumis myriocarpus are purely ornamental fruits.
C. andreana grows well on warm, well-drained soils.
Pre-cultivation and planting with sowing from the end of April produces the best results.
This variety is not suitable for colder regions.
For C. andreana we recommend 2 square meters per plant.
Possible pests: snails, birds, mice, lice, powdery mildew, virus.
Supplied as raw (normal) seed.
- From 100
- seeds for
- €0,090 per
- seed
- From 500
- seeds for
- €0,066 per
- seed
- From 1.000
- seeds for
- €0,060 per
- seed
- From 100
- seeds for
- €0,090 per
- seed
- From 500
- seeds for
- €0,066 per
- seed
- From 1.000
- seeds for
- €0,060 per
- seed
Total amount
€0,06 - €0,09 / per seed €0,09