Cucurbita pepo Mongogo de Guatemala
Cucurbita pepo Mongogo de Guatemala
In size between Kamo Kamo and Tondo Padana, stays green longer, quite uniform and very pretty, about 1.5 kg.
Pumpkin with special decorative value.
Ripening time: 100 days.
Mongogo de Guatemala is vining moderately.
C. pepo grows well on warm, well-drained soils, pre-cultivation and planting with sowing from the end of April or direct sowing from the beginning of May.
Optimum germination at 24-30o C. When sowing stick the pointed side of the seed down or lay them flat. Do not keep the seed too moist. After germination, place in a brighter and cooler place.
The planting distance for pumpkins depends on the vining behavior.
Possible pests: snails, birds, mice, lice, powdery mildew, virus.
Supplied as raw (normal) seed.
- From 50
- seeds for
- €0,110 per
- seed
- From 100
- seeds for
- €0,090 per
- seed
- From 250
- seeds for
- €0,076 per
- seed
- From 500
- seeds for
- €0,066 per
- seed
- From 1.000
- seeds for
- €0,055 per
- seed
Total amount
€0,06 - €0,11 / per seed €0,11