Art.nbr. ES00286
Categories: Annuals, Cut Flowers, Dried Flowers, Flower seeds, Gomphrena
Tags: globe amaranth, Klotamarant, Kugelamarant, Pyöröpallohäntä
Gomphrena haageana QIS® mixture
Gomphrena haageana QIS® mixture
The best series for cut flower production, for its stem quality and length. Long vase life.
New attractive colours, very uniform plants, large globular flowers.
Also known as globe amaranth.
A striking rosy carmine colour.
QIS = Quality in seed.
Fleuroselect Quality Award .
Height: 50-70 cm (20-28″).
Supplied as rubbed /cleaned raw (normal) seed.
- From 1.000
- seeds for
- €0,009 per
- seed
- From 5.000
- seeds for
- €0,008 per
- seed
- From 1.000
- seeds for
- €0,009 per
- seed
- From 5.000
- seeds for
- €0,008 per
- seed
Total amount
€0,01 - €0,01 / per seed €0,01
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