Lathyrus odoratus Winter Sunshine Lavender
Lathyrus odoratus Winter Sunshine Lavender
Remarkable, outstanding series for greenhouse cutflower production in early Spring of unmatched quality. Carefully selected for impressive long stems with many large undulating flowers. For professional cut flower production under short day conditions.
Although the original, wild Lathyrus odoratus was summer flowering, strains have been developed that are able to flower at different times of the year. This is controlled by the length of daylight hours, which varies both by season and geographic location. As a rule of thumb, Summer Flowering strains require 12 hours daylight to initiate flowering, Spring Flowering strains require 11 hours, while Winter Flowering strains require only 10 hours.
The series can be grown in low light and cool greenhouse conditions.
The Winter Sunshine variety has different growth characteristics from normal sweet pea varieties and requires somewhat different cultivation. Early growth is vigorous, continuing through winter, where low light levels normally severely restrict plant development for many weeks.
Seeds can be sown for example, mid-September for flowere production early spring or sown in May for example for autumn flowers.
This strain is more vigorous than other winter strains of sweet pea. This variety can produce around 5-6 flowers per stem.
Soak seeds in lukewarm water for better germination.
Supplied as raw (normal) seed in grams.
Approximately 25 seeds per gram.
- From 5
- grams for
- €2,00 per
- gram
- From 20
- grams for
- €1,75 per
- gram
- From 50
- grams for
- €1,50 per
- gram
- From 100
- grams for
- €1,40 per
- gram
- From 5
- grams for
- €2,00 per
- gram
- From 20
- grams for
- €1,75 per
- gram
- From 50
- grams for
- €1,50 per
- gram
- From 100
- grams for
- €1,40 per
- gram
Total amount
€1,40 - €2,00 / per gram €2,00