Art.nbr. ZUMS014
Categories: Cucurbita (Squash & Pumpkins), Other Cucurbita/Cucumis types
Melothria scabra
Melothria scabra
The fruits, known as mouse cucumbers, grow to around 3-4 cm in size, taste slightly sour and are a specialty when preserved.
Pre-cultivation is easiest from the end of March.
Planting from mid-May.
Melothria thrive here without any problems.
The harvest begins in July.
Space requirement: 1 m²/plant.
Supplied as raw (normal) seed.
- From 100
- seeds for
- €0,065 per
- seed
- From 500
- seeds for
- €0,050 per
- seed
- From 1.000
- seeds for
- €0,038 per
- seed
- From 100
- seeds for
- €0,065 per
- seed
- From 500
- seeds for
- €0,050 per
- seed
- From 1.000
- seeds for
- €0,038 per
- seed
Total amount
€0,04 - €0,07 / per seed €0,07