Mimulus hybrida F1 Magic Yellow

Mimulus hybrida F1 Magic Yellow

With its short production cycle, Mimulus Magic can be finished in just 7 – 8 weeks from sowing with a minimum requirement of 12½ hour days to initiate flowering.

Tolerating light frosts (to 25ºF/- 4ºC), Magic can be produced outside in certain countries, for early season sales. 

Its compact, floriferous habit makes it well suited to pack sales.

A highly flexible, quick turnaround product. 

Height: 20-25 cm (8-10″). Flowersize: 4 cm (2″).

Do not cover the seeds as light is beneficial for gemination (light-germinator). Consistant moisture levels are important.


Supplied as raw (normal) seed.


Total excl. VAT

Total amount

0,02 - 0,03 / per pellet 0,03