Art.nbr. ES01707
Categories: Herbs, Perennials
Tags: brøndkarse, Brunnenkresse, crescione, Cresson, Engelskkarse, Isovesikrassi, Källfräne, waterkers
Nasturtium officinale (Watercress)
Nasturtium officinale (Watercress)
A fast-growing, aquatic or semi-aquatic perennial herb. Watercress is prized for its peppery, tangy flavor and is commonly used in salads, sandwiches, and as a garnish.
The stems that are hollow and can float on water or sprawl along the ground. The plant forms dense mats in shallow, slow-moving water or wet soil. The leaves are tender and  have a fresh, peppery scent, especially when crushed or bruised, similar to arugula or mustard greens. The flavor is strongest in fresh, young leaves and can become more intense as the plant matures.
Height: 30 cm.
Supplied as raw (normal) seed in grams.
Approximately 4.000 seeds per gram.
- From 1
- grams for
- €5,00 per
- gram
- From 5
- grams for
- €4,00 per
- gram
- From 1
- grams for
- €5,00 per
- gram
- From 5
- grams for
- €4,00 per
- gram
Total amount
€4,00 - €5,00 / per gram €5,00