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Petunia hybr. grandiflora Sophistica® Lime Green

Petunia hybr. grandiflora Sophistica® Lime Green

Yellow with underlying lime tone is a very solid, saturated colour with no veining or fading like traditional yellow petunias.

The designer Sophistica collection combines beautiful flowers in special one-of-a-kind colours with professional seed quality. These premium petunias can command a higher price point at retail and open the door to decorator opportunities.

Abundant grandiflora blooms. Plants are well-matched for timing for easier scheduling and shipping.

Mounded, upright habit is ideal for premium pots and larger containers.

Height: 25-35 cm (10-15″).

Do not cover the pellets as light is beneficial for gemination (light-germinator). Consistant moisture levels are important.


Supplied as pelleted seed.


Total excl. VAT

Total amount

0,12 - 0,14 / per pellet 0,14