Sorghum nigrum

Sorghum nigrum

Ornamental grass with robust green to dark brown oval inflorescences.

A tall, upright, annual plant with green, strappy leaves. Flower spikes are covered in small greenish-brown flowers, ageing to dark brown. Can be grown as a bedding plant, providing height and structure in bedding displays.

Grown around the world as a crop plant, but it is extremely ornamental. A quite majestic and striking plant with large and robust, dark brown, plume-like inflorescences, it will add drama to your borders and is also excellent for drying.

Height: 100 cm.


Supplied as raw (normal) seed in grams.
Approximately 60 seeds per gram.


Total excl. VAT

Total amount

0,10 - 0,28 / per gram 0,28