Art.nbr. 115487
Categories: Cut Flowers, Flower seeds, Tanacetum (Matricaria)
Tags: Matrem, Mattram, Moederkruid, Mutterkraut
Tanacetum parthenium (Matricaria) Lima
Tanacetum parthenium (Matricaria) Lima
Tanacetum Lima produces robust, finely-built stems with many semi-spherical white flowers.
Lima can be produced year round in the greenhouse and has a short cultivation period.
Throughout the year, Lima has a constant high quality and is an excellent option for arrangements or as a voluminous bouquet filler.
Supplied as pelleted seed.
- From 1.000
- pellets for
- €0,011 per
- pellet
- From 5.000
- pellets for
- €0,010 per
- pellet
- From 10.000
- pellets for
- €0,009 per
- pellet
- From 1.000
- pellets for
- €0,011 per
- pellet
- From 5.000
- pellets for
- €0,010 per
- pellet
- From 10.000
- pellets for
- €0,009 per
- pellet
Total amount
€0,01 - €0,01 / per pellet €0,01