Wholesale flower seeds
for professional growers.

Useful links

Website: www.fleuroselect.com

Fleuroselect is the international organization for the ornamental plants industry. For more than 50 years, industry professionals have joined together to test and evaluate new pot and bedding plants, promote award winners, protect member varieties, network with each other and contribute to the development and advancement of the industry as a whole.

Website: www.flowertrials.com

The organization behind the variety show, each year in week 24 (June) in Holland.
More than 50 Pot- and Bedding Plant breeders present their new innovations, creative concepts and an incredible wide range of crop assortments.

All-America Selections (AAS)
Website: https://all-americaselections.org

All-America Selections (AAS) is an American organization, founded 1932, which tests new varieties of seed for use in gardening, and promotes those judged to perform best through an awards scheme (“AAS Winners”). The testing program involves horticulture professionals.

Website: www.naktuinbouw.com

Dutch organization testing varieties, performs inspections of seed and plant material and test material for pests and diseases so that entrepreneurs in the horticultural sector can trade their plant material worldwide. Together with national and international companies, organizations and governments they share their knowledge and expertise to promote learning and innovation. Providing the horticultural sector all over the world with good, healthy and reliable, high-quality propagating material and suitable varieties.

Website: www.plantum.nl

As a Dutch organisation, Plantum is the trade association for 300 companies in the breeding, propagation and propagation of seeds and young plants.

Website: https://my-mps.com

MPS supports horticultural entrepreneurs worldwide in their efforts to operate more sustainably. We are committed to making the global horticulture sector more sustainable. They achieve this by making the sustainability efforts of horticultural companies transparent, measurable and demonstrable. For that purpose, they developed and manage a range of innovative certification standards and on- and offline tools.

National Garden Bureau
Website: https://ngb.org

National Garden Bureau is a non-profit organization in the USA that exists to educate, inspire, and motivate people to increase the use of garden seeds, plants, and products in homes, gardens, and workplaces by being the marketing arm of the gardening industry. Our members are experts in the field of horticulture and our information comes directly from these sources.

ASCFG = Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers
Website: www.ascfg.org

USA organization, supporting specialty cut flower growers by creating accessible educational opportunities and research for growers at every stage in their development of financially sustainable business