Art.nbr. ES07970
Categories: Flower seeds, Bedding Plants, Bee Plants, Other Bedding Plants, Perennials
Tags: Eisenkraut, ijzerhard, jernurt, vervain, Violverbena
Verbena rigida (venosa)
Verbena rigida (venosa)
It is shorter and more compact than its relative, Verbena bonariensis.
The leaves are stiff, rough, and dark green, with a lanceolate or ovate shape. The flowers are small but clustered densely at the top of the stems.
It is a spreading plant, often forming a dense mat or low-growing clumps, making it useful as ground cover or for filling in bare spots in gardens.
Height: 30 cm.
Do not cover the seeds as light is beneficial for gemination (light-germinator). Consistant moisture levels are important.
Supplied as raw (normal) seed in grams.
Approximately 1.200 seeds per gram.
- From 1
- grams for
- €5,00 per
- gram
- From 5
- grams for
- €4,00 per
- gram
- From 1
- grams for
- €5,00 per
- gram
- From 5
- grams for
- €4,00 per
- gram
Total amount
€4,00 - €5,00 / per gram €5,00