
Zinnia elegans Queeny Lemon Peach

Zinnia elegans Queeny Lemon Peach

Zinnia Queeny Lemon Peach is an easy-to-grow annual with vigorous, healthy plants covered with stunning 5-10 cm (2-4”) blooms.

The lemon-yellow bloom color with dark peach center is consistent across multiple plants, plus it’s a perfect height to use as a cut flower if you want to bring the beauty indoors.

As the blooms age, they have a reverse fading habit that presents beautiful color shades that start as a bright lemon yellow, moving to a buff or light coral color.

Another bonus is that the plants continue to bloom all summer without deadheading and stand up well in the summer heat.

This is sure to be a new member of your favorite garden royalty!

Fleuroselect Gold Medal Gold Medal and All-America Selections Winner All-America Selections.

Height: 75 cm (30″).

Cover the seeds (dark-germinating seed) as light inhibits its germination process.


Supplied as raw (normal) seed.


Total excl. VAT

Total amount

0,05 - 0,06 / per seed 0,06